Widow Radio Ching III
Listen to the third of three parts of Widow Radio Ching Radio Operetta.
3-5 August 2016, 00:00-01:30 nightly
From the South China Sea to the Danube river, minor ripples become the waves by which the hydrofemme contests the neocolonial frontiers of water in defense of an oceanic commons of substance and thought. WIDOW RADIO CHING rewrites a fragmented and amorphous ode to the hydrofemme as a sonic essay in (radio) waves, transmitting her as a multi-headed heroine who traces the fissures between bottom-up social organization and top-down politico-economic power. Weaving together textual narrative, sound works, and dialogue with invited guests, WIDOW RADIO CHING will unfold in three acts following a trajectory of queer time — divested of concrete future aims and abandoning overarching, streamlined narratives of the hope and optimism that govern our contemporary political, economic and environmental ecosystems. Beginning from the critical dystopia that is our science fiction present, migration, extraterritoriality and environmental degradation shall take new course expanding upon feminine myths of liquidity, fluid identity and alter-sovereignty in labour. WIDOW RADIO CHING will feature contributions by: Shu Lea Cheang, Deborah Cowen, Natalie Galpern, Annie Goh, Aurelia Guo, Elaine W. Ho, Reni Hofmüller, Ming Lin, Astrida Neimanus, Kate Rich, Pelin Tan, Kaitlin Rees & Liam Welch, Tortuga, Eva Ursprung, et al.www.stwst.at
RADIO ACTIVE – SINK and SWIM with Eleonore
August 1 – September 11, 2016
In the winter of 2008-2009, the 100 year old Station Messschiff Eleonore
<http://donautics.stwst.at> was bought, adapted and docked by the Donautic team at the Danube harbor in Linz. Since 2009, Eleonore, once a survey vessel, has been powered by solar energy, equipped with radio components and modified to host artists in residency. As part of
Stadtwerkstatt’s <http://stwst.at> cultural initiatives that focus on free/open culture and information technology, Eleonore declares itself an autonomous art ship gathering local and international residents for meetings, debates, research and lab works.
Stadtwerkstatt has since 1993 involved with free radios and open frequencies <http://vergessen.com/hilus/content/projekte/92_open_circuit_1/infobroschuere/freiefrequenzen.pdf> movement.
This summer, “RADIO ACTIVE – SINK and SWIM with Eleonore”, Eleonore’s residency 2016 opens its beds and decks to receive free flowing, temporal residents for special trans/MISSION daze in the Danube waterways. The spectrum is set free. Ride the waves and dive into the Danube. We call for transmit-ers, wave-surfers, code-breakers, swimmers, boat people, (un)wired creatures to brave the troubled waters, take on water as medium for transmission and expand on Eleonore’s radio beacon project <http://donautics.stwst.at/project/abt14-ein-funkbaken> that started in 2011 with Armin Medosch, Nina Wernhard, and Franz Xaver.
We have also invited Tetsuo Kogawa of Polimorphous Space<http://anarchy.translocal.jp>, an influential figure in underground radio art, Mini-FM, microradio, as honorable artist in residency. Recalling his Radioart Manifesto
<http://anarchy.translocal.jp/radioart/20080710AcousticSpaceIssue_7.html> (published in 2008), we launch this year’s residency with his statements – “No more broad-casting; no more art-radio.
The point is transmission itself: radioart is radiation art.” This year we experiment with the concept of ‘collective’ residency – coordinate simultaneously artists and their projects to come on board Eleonore, expecting further exchange of ideas and collaborations.
The 9 projects for Eleonore summer 2016 –
Xavier Faltot [La Chambre à Air] – Post-netcrash Sink and Float
Elaine W.Ho & Ming Lin [Widow Radio Ching] – The Hydrofemme in Four Acts
Eva Ursprung [courtship sound of piranha] – Soundscape from underwater
Sarah Grant & Danja Vasiliev [QFM] – Data radio broadcasts and mini-radio network
Nicolas Montgermont [Axis Mvndi] – Shaping EM waves in cosmic scale
Magmadam [Prototipa] – Body as sound material that transmits
Ryan Jordan [Currents Below The System] – crystal radios – a feedback loop
Enrique Tomas [SDR Music] – Making music with software defined radio
Rasa Smite & Raitis Smits [Pond Radio] – Deep pond soundscape with bio-electricity
Eleonore artist in residency is a Stadtwerkstatt’s project.
Media partnership with radio FRO <https://www.fro.at> and DORF TV< https://www.dorftv.at>
Curation: Shu Lea Cheang & Franz Xaver
Coordination: Christine Pavillic
Website: Michael Auschauer
Documentation: Elmar Eisenberger, Daniel Stimmeder, Dominik Thaller
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