VENUSfrequency YOGA edition 18 NOV 2022 | sutra 2.46 | Sharon Gannon
When it comes to the practice of yoga and philosophies that come with it, the concept of finding balance is recurring, and boldly relevant.
The very nature of life manifests as the ebb and flow of light versus dark, strength versus weakness, good versus evil. Yet we may often find, through the teachings of yoga and the lessons of life, that harmony lies in the balance. We see it in the Earth and Moon cycles; in the tides of the oceans as they rise and fall. We experience it when there are highs in our lives followed by heartbreaking lows.
There is a latent rhythm to it all.
So how do we find balance?
The concept of Sthira and Sukha in yogic philosophy alludes to exactly that; the polarized yet completely balanced nature of life. These two concepts are found in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, on the theory and practice of yoga, loud and clear in SUTRA 2.46.
AND I KNEW WHO TO look to in order to explain, … as mentioned she was my first ever yoga teacher, back when at CRUNCH fitness on st. marx place, in NYC… dear sharon gannon…
it always comes back to just letting go with love
just put love in it,
whatever it si, and if you cant put love in it, dont do it.
Bhaavan DAS, in his book its here now (are you?)
and yes, I am here, now, and have put so much love into this carefully curated playlist of worldcontemporaty tunes by these beautiful lovers…
VENUSfrequency a pop|culture way of the Yoga, Meditation, holistic Body Wisdom and Soul ARTistry lifestyle, together we rise in support of a more mindful, co-creating, accepting, healing and loving world.
broadcasting frequencies and supporting energy waves that vibrate bright, lucid and clear, that nourish the powerful feminine aspects of all things creation
Bringing forth faith, hope, love, healing and the feminine, and with that not meaning gender, but the feminine principle that is living—or suppressed—in all of us men or women.”
because the power to either destroy, divide & suppress or to heal, unite, awaken, co-create & nourish, lie in our own hearts, visions & responsibilities.
May we continue to Yoga together, may we realize & salute that very Source and OneNess within each other, may we continue to practice this highest of arts, grow and change together, for Unity and Peace.
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