VENUSfrequency YOGA edition 06 DEC 2024 | Sutra 4.20 | Rauhnächte | Eckhart Tolle
And as always feel free and visit me on, send a message, an email, song, wisdom, inspiration or book suggestions
Like VENUSfrequency on FB, follow on INSTAGRAM, and as I am always asked for playlists, there is a very simple way, just follow me on spotifyannemarie VENUSfrequeqncy that is, for identical versions of these carefully curated playlists of worldcontemporary tunes, soundtracks of the here & now, precious hang out time together, one of the few little weekly gifts from me to you… keeping each other company in VENUSfrequency fashion, share yourself in SEVA, gift yourself in what wants to shine through you. we are each other’s medicine, support each other, show up for one another, gratitude and service, the most reavealing & healing powers.
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