Sebastjan Pregelj (predstavitev/interview)
Sodi v mlajšo generacijo slovenskih pisateljev. Rodil se je leta 1970 v Ljubljani. Je diplomirani zgodovinar. V revijah objavlja zgodbe od leta 1992. Leta 1996 je izšel njegov prvenec Burkači, skrunilci in krivoprisežniki, leta 1999 je sledila zbirka kratke proze Cirilina roža, leta 2002 pa še zbirka kratkih zgodb Svinje brez biserov. Sodeluje v antologiji Čas kratke zgodbe, ki je izšla tudi v nemškem in češkem prevodu. Živi in dela v Ljubljani in je član Društva slovenskih pisateljev.
Iz spremne besede Stanke Hrastelj: Angeli ali ljudje, varnostna služba ali jezuiti, psihiatri ali pacienti, naša življenja so prepletena bolj, kot si mislimo, in na več dimenzijah. Če povemo to na klepetu ob kavi ali s pomočjo polnokrvnega magičnorealističnega postmodernega romana, morda niti ni tako pomembno. Razlika je v tem, kako. Sebastijan Pregelj ni pisatelj, ki bi to počel površno. Zadovolji se samo s presežki.
Sebastijan Pregelj belongs to a younger generation of slovenian writers. He was born in 1970 in Ljubljana. He gratuated history. He has published stories in reviews since 1992. In 1996 his first important work was published, called Burkači, skrunilci in krivoprisežniki, and it was followed by a collection of short stories Cirilina roža in 1999. In 2002 a collection of another short stories was published: Svinje brez biserov. He takes an active part in antology Čas kratke zgodbe, which was also published in German and Czech languge. He lives and work in Ljubljana and is a member of a Association of slovenian writers.
From the accompanying text by Stanka Hrastelj: Angels or people, safety work or Jesuits, psychiatrists or patients, our lifes are complicated than we think and in more dimensions. If we say this during drinking coffee with a friend or with help of magicrealistic postmodern novel, may be it is not even so important. A difference appears, when we say it in some another way. Sebastijan Pregelj is not a writer, who would do that superficial. He is only satisfied with surpluses.
[email protected] (Verfasser/in oder Urheber/in)
Genre: Interview
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