Radio Netwatcher vom 6.7.2012 – (Summerspecial 2012) Projekt Dada ACTA – Netzkunst gegen das Antipiraterieabkommen Teil 1


Musik gegen ACTA 1. Teil!

Summerspecial / Vorproduktion für die 2. Juliwoche 2012 – bitte Sperrfrist beachten 6.7.2012 14 h / DANKE!

Wir machen redaktionelle Sommerpause bis in September 2012 und präsentieren in dieser Zeit Netzkunst bzw. digitale Kunst!


Radio Netwatcher vom 29.6.2012 – link:


about Projekt DADA ACTA


“DADA-ACTA” project is the spontaneous response of a community of Slovak and Czech artists to the February 2012 renewed attempts to implement ACTA agreement. It is a response to its vagueness, narrow-mindedness and secrecy camouflaged in the form of an economic treaty meant to fight against trademark counterfeiting. The project initially started as a musical compilation, which was later joined by visual and text artists. To the open call of the organizers responded artists that for one reason or another don’t agree with ACTA, and most of them wrote a statement to explain their own position. The result of the project is: a 4 volumes musical compilation, released under Creative Commons license Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SA [n.b. Slovakia is one of the few European countries that still doesn’t acknowledge CC]; a website containing all artworks/links to artworks, plus artists’ statements and bios [when provided].
The same way according to ACTA we are all criminals unless proven otherwise [at the expense of our privacy and knowledge], we challenge ACTA to prove its intentions are honest and civilian oriented, and till not proven we will continue to consider it a threat to freedom of speech and of knowledge. That is why this project will continue to exist and to fight for digital rights and fair approaches to authorship rights till, hopefully, our governments will learn to listen to their citizens and not to their foreign business partners.

Michal Šuranský, Amalia Roxana Filip
Brno, Bratislava, 2012

Special thanks: Jozef Tušan, Matěj Schneider, Jonáš Kucharský, Samuel Szabó, Barbora Šedivá, Karel Veselý, Juraj Ďurček, Drakh, pstmn, Kid B and all participants. And very special thanks to our life-support server Sanchez

We would be glad if you contact us in any cases of questions, misunderstandings, proposals of cooperation or participation in the project:
Michal Šuranský [coordinator of the audio section; music compilation] – [email protected]
Amalia Roxana Filip [coordinator of the visual section; graphics&web] – [email protected]


Playlist / Bonustrack:

DadaActa CD1
Jjj – Staub
Side9000 – Thx Riddim
Jordan Jordan – Four Your (But Not Only)
Makkatu – Tell Your Mother
Balkai – Strmhlav
Stroon – Slaughtering The Desire
Jacques Kustod – La Liberté De L’univers
Sushi Bar – Raspberries On Annapurna
Jazzcause – Open Your Eyes
Fremeni Feat. Ticho De Beige – Mc Wagner Onion Rings
Sky To Speak – (We’ve Got Eight Legs And Two Stomachs And) Money To Burn
Gustav Tutre & Euchrid Escrow – Digital Assange
Teapot – No Sleep Till Bougainville
Stix – Take
Ink Midget – Flying Friend
Batcha De Mental – Lenochod Of The Thunder (Vex’d)

(CC) 2012 V 3.0 AT BY NC SA    Team Netwatcher


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