Nina Kokelj (predstavitev / interview)
Rojena 5.2.1972 v Kranju, obiskovala Gimnazijo (tedaj »Srednjo jezikovno-družboslovno šolo«) v Škofji Loki, leta 1992 diplomirala na Ekonomski fakulteti v Ljubljani (dvoletni študij), 1997 diplomirala na Fakulteti za družbene vede (politologija, smer mednarodni odnosi, tema diplomske; antisemitizem), leta 1997 prejela nagrado Študentske organizacije v Ljubljani – nagrada za najboljšo kratko zgodbo (Čudoviti otroci), leta 1997 za zgodbo O pritlikavki in njenem gospodarju prejela nagrado za kratko zgodbo z žensko tematiko (natečaj Urada za žensko politiko in tedanjega časopisa Republika), 1998 pri založbi Beletrina v Ljubljani izdala roman Milovanje, za Milovanje prejela nagrado Knjižnega sejma za najboljši prvenec leta 1998,
z Milovanjem nominirana za Delovo nagrado Kresnik (roman leta), leta 2001 po njenem tekstu Metuljčica in Metuljček je v produkciji gledališča Labirint, Ljubljana, nastala lutkovna predstava, ki potuje po vrtcih in šolah (dosedaj že več kot 150 ponovitev), leta 2002 pri založbi Beletrina izdala roman Sviloprejka, leta 2002 pri založbi Didakta izdala slikanico Španska princeska, ukvarja se z amaterskim gledališčem; v času svojega pisateljevanja »neštetokrat« nastopa tako za otroke, kot za odrasle, leta 2002 prevede in pri založbi Goga v Novem Mestu izda roman Mulino žrebe (prevod iz angleščine), objavlja v več revijah in časopisih, tudi v tujini (Sarajevske sveske, Oris,…), po njenem scenariju nastane lutkovna predstava v režiji Saše Jovanovića; Zajec Zdravnik (Glej, 2004) ima status samostojne ustvarjalke na področju kulture – pisateljice, živi in ustvarja v Ljubljani.
[email protected] (Verfasser/in oder Urheber/in)
Genre: AutorInnenportrait
Born on 5th February 1972 in Kranj, Slovenia, attends Grammar School in Škofja Loka, in 1992 graduates at the Faculty Economics in Ljubljana (2-year study), in 1997 graduates at the University of Social Science in Ljubljana (4-year study; political science and international relations; the title of her graduation thesis: Anti-Semitism), in 1996 her short story Wonderful children is awarded (the organiser of the competition is the Student organisation in Ljubljana), in 1997 her short story The Dwarf-Woman and her Master is awarded (the organiser of the competition for the best short-story with the women's topics is the Governmental Offfice for Women's Policy and Republika newspaper), in 1998 she publishes her first novel Grace (Beletrina Publishing House, Ljubljana), in 1999 Grace is awarded the best first book of the year (The Slovenian Bookfair, Ljubljana), in 1999 Grace is nominated for the novel of the year (so called Kresnik Award), in 2002 she publishes her second novel: The Silkworm (Beletrina Publishing House), in 2002 she publishes her first picture book for children – The Little Spanish Princess (Didakta Publishing House, Radovljica), throughout her life of a writer she has had a big number of readings and also performances – she is into amateur theatre, she publishes articles in Slovene newspapers and reviews, she writes texts for the puppet theatre (The She-Little Butterfly and He-Little Butterfly, Labirint Theatre, Ljubljana), she writes scenarios for TV shows for children (BUBA GUBA; Slovene Television), from 1999 to 2002 she worked as a public relations representative of EPTA Publishing House (a publishing house specialised in picture books), she lives and creates in Ljubljana.
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