BRUCH (vie) # Oscillating somewhere between minimalistic Post Punk, creaking Rock’n’Roll and stone-cold Wave, »Bruch’s combination of lo-fi synth and dark vocals help us go deep into the postapocalyptic world of the “harbour of the broken hearted”« – Substance is Meaningless »Bruch is the dark, abysmal side of rock’n’roll, by other means.« – the gap # GRAN (vie) # »Growing twisted minimalistic beasts, mutant disco tunes and unpredictable Vienna groovy punk that will get you to dance in your chair.« – Impose Magazine # MONOMONO (ibk) # Monomonos Stücke und Auftritte sind popkulturelle Alchemie. Immer unterm Radar, immer episch, immer haarscharf an Stilverrat und Piraterie entlangschrammend, immer monomono. ##
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