Jurij Hudolin (predstavitev/interview)


Jurij Hudolin (1973) je kljub mladim letom avtor številnih pesniških zbirk. Jurij je enfant terrible slovenske literarne scene, trenutno zaposlen kot urednik pri zagrebški založbi V.B.Z. Deluje kot pesnik, prevajalec, scenarist, literarni kritik in esejist. Njegova poezija je revialno objavljena v več kot dvajsetih različnih jezikih. / Though still young, Jurij Hudolin (1973) has authored many poetry collections. Jurij is the enfant terrible of the Slovenian literary scene, currently employed as editor with V.B.Z., a publishing house in Zagreb. He is a poet, translator, screenwriter, literary critic and essayist. His poetry has been published in magazines in more than twenty different languages.

[email protected] (Verfasser/in oder Urheber/in)

Genre: Interview


Marš: Oddaje v živo / Live Broadcast

Zur Sendereihe Station


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