Esad Babačič (predstavitev/interview)


Esad Babačić (1965) je šolanje kmalu obesil na klin, nato je delal v tovarni. Začel je s pisanjem pesmi za punkovsko skupino VIA OFENZIVA. Trenutno dela kot novinar na nacionalni televiziji. Poezija je zanj približevanje k resnici eksistence in hkrati mehčanje, ironiziranje vseh velikih resnic. / Esad Babačić (1965) dropped out of school very soon and worked in a factory. He started out by writing lyrics for a punk group, VIA OFENZIVA. Currently he is working as a journalist with the national TV. Poetry is his way of getting closer to existential truth and at the same time softening, ironizing all great truths.

[email protected] (Verfasser/in oder Urheber/in)

Genre: Interview


Marš: Oddaje v živo / Live Broadcast

Zur Sendereihe Station


Zur Station
Sprache: Teilen: