Empowering Young People – On Air
Tue, 9th July 2013, 12.00 a.m.: Welcome to a short audio trip through the European project ‚Empowering Young People – Connecting Europe‚, recorded at the conference which took place in Vienna from July 5th to 7th. Students, teachers and headmasters from 16 participating schools and 10 European countries presented their projects and outcomes. You can listen to interviews, statements and activities during the conference days. The project ‚Empowering Young People – Connecting Europe‚ started in Dec 2011 and supported innovative projects of the partner schools that help young people in understanding and accepting other cultures through cross-cultural interaction in the Danube Region, in promoting active citizenship through intercultural awareness, in supporting participation in civil society in their home countries, in the Danube region and in Europe, in committing themselves to sustainable development.
The project was implemented by KulturKontakt Austria in the framework of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, financed by the European Union and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture. eyp000
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