context : context invites Peter Waugh


connex : context
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Poetisch-musikalische Erkundungen zur Phänomenologie der Verwobenheit und gegenseitigen Bedeutungsaufladung von gesprochenem Wort und klanglicher Textur in einem ad hoc Setting inszeniert.

PETER WAUGH – Text, Lesung
MICHAEL FISCHER – ad hoc soundscpaing an 3 cd-playern

Peter Waugh born in Barnet, London (1956). Long-term Vienna resident. Poet, translator, creative writing lecturer at University of Applied Arts in Vienna, editor, publisher, songwriter. Co-founder of Labyrinth (Association of English-Language Poets in Vienna), the poetry journal subdream and the experimental sound poetry performance group ‘dastrugistenda’. Head of Labyrinth publishing and organiser of numerous readings in Austria and abroad, including a monthly open-mic and summer Poetry in the Park events in Vienna, as well as the annual Labyrinth Höflein Donauweiten Poesiefestival. Often performs as a sound poet and with musicians.

Publications: Horizon Firelight (1999) and Haiku Butterfly Death Dream (2002). Forthcoming: axesplit head & plainwhite cloth (2017). Featured in magazines and anthologies, on websites and at poetry festivals worldwide. Numerous German-English verse translations, including the award-winning translation of Thomas Bernhard’s poems ‘On Earth and in Hell’.

In his work he attempts to expand the boundaries of poetry into as many different dimensions as possible. His work ranges from the lyrical to the experimental, from the quietness of the written word to presentation that includes other art forms such as music, dance or theatre, from experiments in multivocal and translingual writing and performance to exercises in poetic forms, from solo abstract sound poetry to collaborative group improvisations or arrangements involving live music.


MICHAEL FISCHER, musician-composer im Bereich improvisierte und experimentelle Musik / noise / soundscapes sowie Arbeit an instant compositions conductings an der Sprachimmanenz von Klängen und deren dramatischer Evidenz, seit 1999 auch zum elektroakustischen Phänomen Feedback, Entwicklung des feedback-saxophone. Gründung des Vienna Improvisers Orchestra 2004, mit Schwerpunktkooperationen in experimenteller Lyrik. Zahlreiche Kooperationen mit Musiker-/KomponistInnen der internationalen Szene experimenteller Musik, sowie mit KünstlerInnen/-kollektiven wie Lore Heuermann, Marc Adrian, Dmitri Prigow, Gerhard Rühm, Liz King, Baby-Q dance comp. Tokyo, The Meeting Point Amsterdam u.v.a.. Konzerte, Tourneen, Projekte in Europa, Libanon, Kanada, USA, Japan (Wien Modern, High Zero Festival Baltimore, Irtijal Festival Beirut, Bunka Kaikan Tokyo, Muziekgebouw Amsterdam; guest-lectures für The Johns Hopkins Univ. Baltimore, Newcastle Univ. GB, Univ. f. Architektur Vaduz u.v.a.).


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Zur Sendereihe Station

Orange 94.0

Zur Station
Thema:Literature Radiomacher_in:Michael Fischer
Sprache: English

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