Brane Mozetič (predstavitev / interview)
Brane Mozetič (1958) je diplomiral iz primerjalne književnosti na Univerzi v Ljubljani, v istem mestu živi kot samozaposlen v kulturi. Objavil je deset pesniških zbirk, knjigo kratkih zgodb in dva romana. Uredil je tri antologije in prevedel številne francosko pišoče avtorje, med katerimi so Rimbaud, Genet, Foucault, Maalouf and Brossard. Mnogo let je bil aktivist v socialnih gibanjih in vodja gejevskega gibanja, sedaj je urednik dveh leposlovnih zbirk (Aleph in Lambda) in direktor Centra za slovensko književnost. Večinoma piše ljubezensko poezijo, ki je zaradi odkrite homoerotičnosti v Sloveniji še vedno ekscentrična. Tematsko avtor raziskuje nezmožnost predajanja ljubezni v vsakdanjem svetu nestrpnosti, nasilja in vojn. V svojih romanih Mozetič opisuje skrajne situacije v ljubezenskih razmerjih, ki se končajo tudi z zločinom. Njegov zadnji roman spominja na filmski prikaz sodobne mlade generacije, odvisne od tehno kulture, drog in seksa. Kontakt:
[email protected] (Weitere beteiligten Personen und Körperschaften)
Genre: AutorInnenportrait
Brane Mozetič (1958) graduated in comparative literature from the University of Ljubljana. He lives in Ljubljana as a freelance writer. He has published ten volumes of poetry, a short-story collection and two novels. He has edited three anthologies and translated numerous French authors including Rimbaud, Genet, Foucault, Maalouf and Brossard. For many years he has been active in civil social movements and leader of the gay movement; now he is editor of two literary collections (Aleph and Lambda), and director of Center for Slovenian Literature. He mostly writes love poetry. Openly homoerotic, it is considered quite eccentric in Slovenia. Thematically, the author explores the inability of surrendering to love in the every-day world of intolerance, violence and wars. In his novels, Mozetič describes extreme situations in love relationships, possibly ending up in crime. His latest novel is a film-like rendering of the contemporary young generation addicted to techno culture, drugs and sex. Link:
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